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G. Posadas-Collado, M.J. Membrive Jiménez, J.L. Romero Béjar, J.L. Gómez Urquiza, L. Albendin García, N. Suleiman Martos and G.A. Cañadas De La Fuente,  "Continuity of Nursing Care in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review",  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19 , 3000-3000, 2022
N. Suleiman Martos, R.A. Garcia-Lara, M.J. Membrive Jiménez, L. Pradas Hernández, J.L. Romero Béjar, G. Dominguez Vias and J.L. Gómez Urquiza,  "Effect of a game-based intervention on preoperative pain and anxiety in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis",  Journal of Clinical Nursing, vol.31 , 3350-3367, 2022
N. Suleiman Martos, R. Garcia-Lara, L. Pradas Hernández, J.L. Romero Béjar, G. Dominguez Vias and J.L. Gómez Urquiza,  "Effect of a game¿based intervention on preoperative pain and anxiety in children: A systematic review and meta¿analysis",  Journal of Clinical Nursing , -, 2022
N. Rico Castro and J.F. Ruiz Hidalgo,  "Errors concerning Statistics and Probability in Spanish Secondary School Textbooks",  Applied Sciences, vol.12 , 12719-, 2022
M.E. Granados-Bolivar, M. Quesada-Caballero, N. Suleiman Martos, J.L. Romero Béjar, L. Albendin García, G.A. Cañadas De La Fuente and A. Caballero-Vazquez,  "Evolution of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Emergency and Critical Care: Therapeutic Management before and during the Pandemic Situation",  Medicina, vol.58 , 726-726, 2022
M.J. Membrive Jiménez, J.L. Gómez Urquiza, N. Suleiman Martos, C. Monsalve-Reyes, J.L. Romero Béjar, G.A. Cañadas De La Fuente and E.I. Fuente Solana,  "Explanatory Models of Burnout Diagnosis Based on Personality Factors and Depression in Managing Nurses",  Journal of Personalized Medicine, vol.12 , 438-438, 2022
L. Albendin García, N. Suleiman Martos, E.M. Ortega-Campos, R. Aguayo-Estremera, J.A. Sáez Muñoz, J.L. Romero Béjar and G.A. Cañadas De La Fuente,  "Explanatory Models of Burnout Diagnosis Based on Personality Factors in Primary Care Nurses",  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol.19 , 9170-9170, 2022
J.A. Sáez Muñoz and J.L. Romero Béjar,  "Impact of Regressand Stratification in Dataset Shift Caused by Cross-Validation",  Mathematics, vol.10 , 2538-2538, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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